Monday, March 30, 2009

The Internet Is Broken

I changed ISPs last week - and during the crossover, had one day without any Interweb connectivity at home. I say one day, actually it was just one evening. But, for that handful of hours I don't think I've ever felt so cut-off, disconnected and cold turkey-ish. Unbelievable.

Holidays, sick leave etc... you factor in days away from the mainframe. Getting unexpectedly dropped is like Superman being stripped of his powers. No email, music downloads, bidding, browsing or blogging.

TV I can take or leave (when I take, I generally see why I leave). Radio I'll dip and dunk now and again. But the Internet is surely the most addictive of all plug-in-drugs, and so locked and loaded into your lifestyle - it's almost impossible to be without.

Meri Wilson - Internet Man


Keith said...

I totally understand what you mean. I had some problems here and there in the past with my internet connection. I thought I was going to go crazy when it went out. I needed that internet fix bad. :-)

Mondo said...

The last time I had a hiccup was one weekend about eighteen months ago. Those two days felt like a year - (and that waspre-blogging and myspacing too)

office pest said...

Tell me about it. Connectivity has been so bad round here that all I blogged about when it was working, was how crap it was when it wasn't working.

Now that's sad. I dare not even comment more fully for fear of unleashing the demon within me...

Fashion Moment said...

Thank you for your comment.
You have a great blog!
Have a nice day,


Matthew Rudd said...

It really is tough to cope without the net when the connection goes. Even telling myself to grow up and walk the dogs an extra long way while the repairs/reinstallations take place fails to alleviate the problem.

Piley said...

with you all the way Mondo - I even had to buy a phone with 3g net, so I could feel happier, knowing I can check my blog, bids, mails etc etc when I actually LEAVE the PC!!! I need help!


Mondo said...

Thanks FM - you should check out my other Blog too, that could be more your sorta thing...

Matt - P, I watched Smokey and The Bandit recently (it was on ITV4 or somesuch late one evening), and it hit home how disconnected and liberating life used to be, before everyone was permanently patched in to the mainframe...

I love it but do feel a bit too hard-wired sometimes...